Unless law firms can transform, they will self-destruct

The legal services sector is one of the oldest sectors and is known today for honouring traditional working practices. Its current practice, which is historically change resistant, does not operate with the human being at heart, whether that be the client, or the employees of the sector. If operations are to continue in their current form, the legal sector will struggle to keep its current clients, attract new clients, and attract and retain talented staff. Unless law firms can face up to change and transform to involve a more human-centric approach, “traditional firms” will self-destruct.

In this research-based report, we describe the challenges the legal sector is likely to face in the coming years by analysing the users of, and the workers within, the legal sector whose needs have been neglected by the historic practices of the industry. We also detail the implications for the legal sector and outline the recommended steps that can be taken now for both long and short-term benefits.

To read the full report, download via the button below.

If you want to discuss anything within this report, please contact Mark Clark, Enfuse Group’s Director for Legal and Professional Services, or Louisa Bell, Consultant and author of this report.


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